Eltham High School Inaugural Postcard Show

Eltham High School | Eltham High School Inaugural Postcard Show

Winners Announced


Principal’s Selection

Year 10 – William Cook (Everard House)

Year 11 – Amber Coleman (Everard House)

Year 12 – Imogen McVeigh (Rutter House)


Visual Arts Leaders Highly Commended Awards

Year 7 – Lumi Runnalls (Andrew House)

Year 8 – Wilf O’Neill (Rutter House)

Year 9 – Alice Campbell (Stewart House)

Year 10 – Coco Bergmann (Stewart House)

Year 11 – Mia Paterson (Stewart House)

Year 12 – Chloe Wilkins (Andrew House)

Staff Award – Laura Asbury

Congratulations to the award recipients.


In Term 3, the Visual Arts Leaders launched our inaugural postcard show. Staff and students were invited to create a postcard sized artwork that responded to the theme “Connections”.

Over 70 entries were received, each depicting the unique ideas and responses of the artists. Artworks were completed in diverse mediums including pencil, pen, paint, collage and photography.

Judging of the artworks proved to be a difficult task with so many creative entries.

The Visual Arts Leaders selected a work from each year level to be awarded highly commended, while Mr Sicari and an art panel selected three overall winners who will have their works reproduced as cards to be used by the school.




Eltham High School | Eltham High School Inaugural Postcard Show

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