Inquiry Based Learning.
Inquiry based approaches to teaching and learning at Eltham High School encourage students to make connections in their learning across a range of disciplines and develop both broader learning dispositions as well as specific research and investigation skills. The focus of inquiry is dually on understanding learning processes as well as content. The school recognises that an inquiry-based approach to learning nurtures students’ passions and interests and empowers them to make choices in their own learning. It aims to foster curiosity and a lifelong love of learning through exposing students to real, open-ended problems that enable deep learning. Through engaging with inquiry-based approaches students develop an ability to:
- Ask questions.
- Develop persistence, motivation, and self-regulation.
- Encouraging risk taking and resilience.
- Critically consider the value and impact of information.
- Reflect on their own thinking and learning process.
- Develop an understanding of the research process.
- Building a real-world context for learning.
As students move through inquiry at Eltham High School they are given increasing levels of responsibility for their own learning and inquiry process. This moves from highly structured and guided approaches to greater student direction. Teachers select the most appropriate entry point in this progression to support student learning. Regardless of the structure, the teacher is a central aspect of guiding student learning using a combination of inquiry pedagogy and direct instruction. This is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in their inquiry learning. At all levels the curriculum knowledge generated within student inquiry is as important as the development of research skills and both work together to deliver learning outcomes on intellectually rigorous topics.
The Eltham High School Inquiry Model is a cyclical model that provides a structured approach to teaching and learning across the school. This supports students to develop strong 21st Century skills in critical thinking, collaboration, researching, reasoning, communication, and information technologies.
Students do this by connecting ideas across discipline areas. Having an understanding of major movements in Art, History, Science, Technology and Culture will allow students to create a context for learning. Eltham High School Inquiry subjects are not limited to a particular discipline or learning area but instead cut across and make connections between and across learning areas.

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