Eltham High School | Acceptable Use Agreement Eltham High School | Acceptable Use Agreement

Acceptable Use Agreement

Understanding & Signing the AUA.

The Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA) form is structured into three clear sections to ensure comprehensive understanding and compliance:

  • Section A: Outlines Eltham High Schools support for safe digital tech use.
  • Section B: Specifies Eltham High School expectations and allows family discussions on home use.
  • Section C: Signed by students and parents/guardians.


  • The AUA form is delivered online to the student parent/guardian and signed electronically.
  • Tailored versions are sent before entering each sub-school: Junior (Year 7), Middle (Year 8 – 9), and Senior (Year 10 – 12).
  • Completion is vital before accessing the DE&T network and systems, ensuring users agree to promote a safe digital environment.

For any AUP queries please contact 7805-helpdesk@schools.vic.edu.au.